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AxisMaterialNormalization Class Reference

#include <AxisMaterialNormalization.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for AxisMaterialNormalization:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum class  Axis : int { X , Y , Z }

Public Member Functions

Axis axis () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MaterialNormalization
virtual std::pair< double, double > numberAndMass (const Geometry *geom, const MaterialMix *mix) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from SimulationItem
template<class T >
T * find (bool setup=true) const
template<class T >
T * interface (int levels=-999999, bool setup=true) const
virtual string itemName () const
void setup ()
string typeAndName () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Item
 Item (const Item &)=delete
virtual ~Item ()
void addChild (Item *child)
const vector< Item * > & children () const
virtual void clearItemListProperty (const PropertyDef *property)
void destroyChild (Item *child)
virtual bool getBoolProperty (const PropertyDef *property) const
virtual vector< double > getDoubleListProperty (const PropertyDef *property) const
virtual double getDoubleProperty (const PropertyDef *property) const
virtual string getEnumProperty (const PropertyDef *property) const
virtual int getIntProperty (const PropertyDef *property) const
virtual vector< Item * > getItemListProperty (const PropertyDef *property) const
virtual ItemgetItemProperty (const PropertyDef *property) const
virtual string getStringProperty (const PropertyDef *property) const
int getUtilityProperty (string name) const
virtual void insertIntoItemListProperty (const PropertyDef *property, int index, Item *item)
Itemoperator= (const Item &)=delete
Itemparent () const
virtual void removeFromItemListProperty (const PropertyDef *property, int index)
virtual void setBoolProperty (const PropertyDef *property, bool value)
virtual void setDoubleListProperty (const PropertyDef *property, vector< double > value)
virtual void setDoubleProperty (const PropertyDef *property, double value)
virtual void setEnumProperty (const PropertyDef *property, string value)
virtual void setIntProperty (const PropertyDef *property, int value)
virtual void setItemProperty (const PropertyDef *property, Item *item)
virtual void setStringProperty (const PropertyDef *property, string value)
void setUtilityProperty (string name, int value)
virtual string type () const

Protected Member Functions

 AxisMaterialNormalization ()
double geometryColumnDensity (const Geometry *geom) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MaterialNormalization
 MaterialNormalization ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SimulationItem
 SimulationItem ()
virtual bool offersInterface (const std::type_info &interfaceTypeInfo) const
virtual void setupSelfAfter ()
virtual void setupSelfBefore ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Item
 Item ()

Private Types

using BaseType = MaterialNormalization
using ItemType = AxisMaterialNormalization

Private Attributes

Axis _axis


class ItemRegistry

Detailed Description

AxisMaterialNormalization is an intermediate abstract class representing material normalization types that require the user to select one of the axes of the model coordinatye system.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Axis

enum class AxisMaterialNormalization::Axis : int

The enumeration type indicating the coordinate axis for normalization.

X : "the X axis of the model coordinate sytem" .

Y : "the Y axis of the model coordinate sytem" .

Z : "the Z axis of the model coordinate sytem" .

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AxisMaterialNormalization()

AxisMaterialNormalization::AxisMaterialNormalization ( )

Default constructor for abstract Item subclass AxisMaterialNormalization : "normalization by defining some quantity along a coordinate axis" .

Member Function Documentation

◆ axis()

AxisMaterialNormalization::axis ( ) const

This function returns the value of the discoverable Axis enumeration property axis : "the axis along which to specify the normalization" .

The default value for this property is given by the conditional value expression "Z" .

◆ geometryColumnDensity()

double AxisMaterialNormalization::geometryColumnDensity ( const Geometry geom) const

As service to subclasses, this function returns the column density of the specified geometry along the coordinate axis configured by the user.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: